Cross Bores - Best Practices and Outreach Program
The OTD cross bore best practice and outreach program is raising awareness and streamlining the implementation of cross bore best practices with natural gas system operators, other utility operators, the sewer and plumbing industry and the contractor community at large. This program provides information to effect positive changes in attitudes, practices and operations, and educate internal and contracted personnel, and the public about cross bores. Also, when implemented, this program can reduce the risk and exposure to the threat of existing cross bores, as well as, move toward the prevention of future cross bores. Additionally, as further technologies and programs are developed, this program will result in improved safety and the continued use of trenchless technology to be allowed by changing attitudes and behaviors.
OTD Technologies Under Development or Available for Use
The OTD cross bore program has developed a suite of technologies many focusing on safe and efficient trenchless techniques. Below are 2-page summaries of a few of the technologies available for use or currently in development.
Free Outreach and Educational Materials
These outreach and educational materials are available to assist with the development of a utility's Cross Bore Program. Download any of the PDF files below and use to build awareness with your staff.
- Cross Bore Best Practice and Outreach Program - 2-page summary
- Cross Bore Best Practices Guide - Full Document
- Cross Bore Best Practices Quick Reference Guide (A shortened 16 page version of the Guide)
- Cross-Bores – Best Practices Outreach and Education - PowerPoint Presentation (An annotated PowerPoint presentation structured to be used with a variety of audiences by selecting the most appropriate sections)
- Cross Bore Quick Reference Card - For CSR (A two-sided cross bore desk reference card printable on 8 ½ X 11 card stock for use by Customer Service Representatives or Operations Dispatch)
- Two-sided tailgate briefing card (A two-sided printable on 4 X 6 card stock or waterproof paper to be used by field crews when investigating existing cross bores)
- Two-sided tailgate briefing card (A two-sided printable on 4 X 6 card stock or waterproof paper to be used by field crews when installing or replacing mains or services to avoid future cross bores)
Three How-To videos:
Plumber - to inform plumbers how to investigate a clogged sewer
Training Field Crews – to be used with field personnel to avoid cross bores during new installations
Homeowner/Do It Yourselfer - to inform homeowners about the potential hazards of clearing a clogged sewer if the clog is outside the home/business
Cross Bore Information Sources:
Numerous associations and research centers offer additional information related to cross bore safety.This listing is not meant to be comprehensive but rather a starting point to obtain additional information:
- Cross Bore Safety Association (CBSA)
- Common Ground Alliance (CGA)
- American Gas Association (AGA)
- Distribution Contractors Association (DCA)
- Call Before You Clear
- GTI Energy
- Midwest Energy Association (MEA)
- National Underground Contractors Association (NUCA)
- North American Society for Trenchless Technology (NASTT)
- Southern Gas Association (SGA)
- Northeast Gas Association (NGA)