Commercialized Products
Delivering Useful Tools and Information for the Natural Gas Industry
Since 2003, OTD has focused on supporting the development of products that meet infrastructure needs ranging from simple tools like the pavement breaker lift assist that helps utility personnel reduce the risk of personal injury to game-changing technologies like GPS-enabled leak surveying that automates the leak surveying and pinpointing process with GPS on smart phones.

Jameson Directional Entry Tool and Live Tracer
For vertical insertion of traceable pipe or a camera into live gas main with minimal excavation. No blow by to 125 psi. Inspect stress areas, improper fusion installations, abandoned stubs, water in the line, and corrosion and welded seams. Locate any pipes 2 to 12 inches.

IRED Infrared Portable Ethane Detector
This easy-to-use handheld detector was developed for use in the field to discriminate natural gas leaks from other sources of methane (e.g., swamp gas, landfill gas, and engine exhaust) and detect trace levels of ethane. The detection of ethane can be used as a fingerprint for natural gas in situations where the origin of a methane leak signal is questioned.

GPS-Enabled Leak Surveying
This solution is a mobile GIS software tool that runs on smartphones and uses GPS to track leak survey routes. The GPS breadcrumb trail is overlaid in a GIS to track pipe segments that are surveyed to provide real-time reporting and monitoring. This system eliminates paper maps and records, automating the process of documenting surveys and leak locations.

Portable Methane Detector (PMD)
The handheld SENSIT® PMD uses optical-detection technology to provide sensitivity and cost advantages over conventional techniques employing flame ionization detectors. The PMD improves the efficiency of leak surveys, is less costly to maintain than other technologies, and can detect leaks from low ppm to 100% gas.

Lift Assists for Pavement Breakers and Rock Drills
These devices assist workers in lifting pavement breaker and rock drills after the bits break through surface pavements and rocks and need to be repositioned for the next penetration. By eliminating the need to manually lift and re-position the heavy tools,the lift assists make breaking easier and less physically demanding.

Utility Crew Truck
This ergonomically designed crew truck can accommodate common utility tools as well as new technologies in a smaller package than conventional gas-service vehicles. The truck has removable storage bins, a hydraulic lift gate, and other features to ease the strain on utility workers, increase the speed of operations, and enhance safety.

Modified Soil Compaction Supervisor
A system that combines the use of disposable buried electric sensors and an above-ground measurement instrument to determine proper soil compaction. New features include increased sensor reliability, improved sensor sensitivity, a modified data-processing algorithm, and enhanced software to improve data output management.

Kleiss MCS Flow Stopping System
Marketed as the Kleiss MCS Flow Stopping System, this new system is used to stop the flow of gas in polyethylene, steel, cast-iron, and PVC pipes at diameters up to 18 inches and pressures up to 60 psig. The system, which is manufactured in Europe, was investigated through OTD to validate its operation and potential savings in the U.S. gas industry.

Acoustic Pipe Locator
SENSIT's acoustic-based pipe locator provides the ability to locate plastic pipes before excavations and construction. Now commercially available, in tests the system was shown to be capable of detecting multiple buried plastic pipes at depths up to five feet.

Uptime® 3.0 Distribution Integrity Management Risk Model
Uptime® 3.0 provides an integrated environment for the integrity management of gas distribution and transmission pipeline assets. Uptime provides core support for all the key elements of distribution integrity management program regulations.

Metallic Joint Locator (MJL)
MJL provides an easy way to locate cast-iron joints, chill rings in welded steel pipe, metallic tapping tees, metallic flanges, and metal repair clamps. In field tests, the MJL was also able to detect bell and spigot joints for an eight-inch-diameter water main buried at a depth of six feet. The technology is available through Sensit Technologies as Ultra-Trac MJL.

Rock Drill Lift Assist
Device provides an easy way to lift the rock drill the several inches needed to reposition the tool during operations. Use of the lift assist will increase productivity and reduce the risk of lost-time injuries. The tool is available from Integrated Tool Solutions and has been adapted to the various models available from rock drill manufacturers.

First Responders DVD
DVD training products help gas companies better educate first-responding personnel about natural gas emergencies. Learning modules with realistic scenarios cover a variety of issues to enhance public and worker safety. The training also serves to improve emergency-response effectiveness and coordination.

Service Termination Tool
Avoid excavation when there is no access to the service valve for low pressure service line abandonments. “Bag and stop” the service line at the premise wall, then disassemble the inside piping and plug the service line. The entire procedure takes approximately five to six minutes.

LocusMap Mobile GIS Solution for Traceability of Pipes, Fittings and Fusions
LocusMap maps new installations with comprehensive tracking and traceability data for pipes, fittings, and fusions. The software is a mobile GIS tool creating features directly in a GIS format and allows field-collected data to be directly integrated into the enterprise GIS with minimal back-office processing. Barcode scanning and high-accuracy GPS automate data entry in the field and create high-accuracy maps.

NO-BLO® DBS System
The Mueller DBS System is a portable system of tools that allows field technicians to perform many tasks related to the gas service line, including meter replacement and work on any part of the meter set, such as risers and regulators, even removal and replacement of defective service line pipes and fittings.

Keyhole Pipeline Inspection Camera System
ULC Robotics’ PRX250K Live Gas Main Keyhole Camera Inspection System has been an invaluable resource for some of the largest gas utilities to assist with addressing water ingress, poor pressure issues, locating blockages and other issues involving gas distribution mains up to 12”. This patented live gas main camera system which was designed from the ground-up to provide gas utilities with the highest quality, most cost effective and reliable pipeline inspection possible. The PRX250K contains unique features such as a motor driven cable feeder and self-deploying centering system that provides a high yield on equipment investment as well as faster, more reliable inspections.

Flash Shoring (Shielding) System
This new lightweight shielding system provides a versatile method for accessing, repairing, and rehabilitating underground pipes and facilities in congested areas where other utility lines are present. It can be easily transported (with one utility truck) and can be installed by one or two people without heavy equipment in about 20 minutes.

Modified Clegg Hammer
Soil compaction measuring device that obtains a measurement from a free-falling mass (hammer) from a set height onto a surface under test. Electronic modifications provide moisture reading, data storage, and downloading capabilities. Other enhancements make it easier to transport.